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The Easy To Use Home Search Calculations Sheet

The Easy To Use Home Search Calculations Sheet

If you are looking to buy and sell or just buy a property then the Absolute Home – Home Search Calculations Excel sheet is just what you need so you can see all your essential information in one place. within each cell of the sheet there are comments so you know exactly what to put in a specific field.

At the top of the Excel sheet is the Property Buying and Selling Calculations Area.

Property buying and selling calculations
Property buying and selling calculations. A useful data sheet that you can input figures in the yellow fields to obtain a guide to your current buying and selling situation.

All you need to do is put numeric figures in the yellow fields. The green fields have formulas and will automatically calculate from the figures you have input in the yellow fields. Hover over the red arrows to expand a comment that may give you more guidance.

Half way down you will find the Property Search Details Calculations Area.

Property search details calculations
Property search details calculations. Insert details of room dimensions and more, you will then get a value for square metre.

In this area you can input various details about every property you are interested in. Insert the room dimensions along with any premium features and image for easy reference later.

This is an example of a completed Property Search Details Calculations Area.

Property search details calculations demo example
Property search details calculations demo example

I have copied the input areas a number of times so you can input details of more than one property and when you find other you are interested in compare. I have found this table very useful as a one stop shop to see if properties I am interested in are as good as the next in terms of value. hopefully this will help you to make informed decisions on:-

If you have any ideas on how to improve this then please feel free to email me at info@absolutehome.co.uk.

Price updated 18, November, 2023